1954 boy first book of radio electronics morgan pdf editor
1954 boy first book of radio electronics morgan pdf editor

1954 boy first book of radio electronics morgan pdf editor

The ARRL story isavailable here:and a version inPDF is available.The article includes these illustrations, large format versionsof which can be viewed by clicking on each image below.In 2014 I was fortunate to acquire a photograph of Paul F.Godley.

1954 boy first book of radio electronics morgan pdf editor

Hefollowed that by establishing the Adams-Morgan Company and producing some of thefinest early radio receivers, including the Paragon RA-10 which was used by PaulForman Godley in the 1921 transatlantic test.I wrote about Morgan for the ARRL and the following storyappeared as an online article on 9 September 2009. Today he is most remembered for a series of four books:The Boys’ FirstBook of Radio and ElectronicsCharles Scribner’sSons, 1954The Boys’ SecondBook of Radio and ElectronicsCharles Scribner’sSons, 1957The Boys’ ThirdBook of Radio and ElectronicsCharles Scribner’sSons, 1962The Boys’ FourthBook of Radio and ElectronicsCharles Scribner’sSons, 1969However, Morgan achieved notoriety early in the 20th Century forwriting one of the first practical handbooks for radio amateurs. Alfred Powell Morgan: the Eternal Boy Turns 120 Alfred Powell Morgan: the Eternal Boy Turns 120Alfred Powell Morgan (1889 - 1972), author, inventor, and radiopioneer inspired countless young men (and women) to take up the hobby of radioand electronics.

1954 boy first book of radio electronics morgan pdf editor